EKF v.s. ESKF or Direct v.s. Indirect KF

Last updated on November 26, 2023 pm




  • EKF: Extended Kalman Filter —> Direct Kalman Filter
  • ESKF: Error State Kalman Filter —> Indirect Kalman Filter

Estimator State Types:

  • True State
  • Nominal State
  • Error State

ESKF Advantages:

  • The orientation error-state is minimal (i.e., it has the same number of parameters as degrees of freedom), avoiding issues related to over-parametrization (or redundancy) and the consequent risk of singularity of the involved covariances matrices, resulting typically from enforcing constraints.

  • The error-state system is always operating close to the origin, and therefore far from possible parameter singularities, gimbal lock issues, or the like, providing a guarantee that the linearization validity holds at all times.

  • The error-state is always small, meaning that all second-order products are negligible. This makes the computation of Jacobians very easy and fast. Some Jacobians may even be constant or equal to available state magnitudes.

  • The error dynamics are slow because all the large-signal dynamics have been integrated in the nominal-state. This means that we can apply KF corrections (which are the only means to observe the errors) at a lower rate than the predictions.


Generic Problem Formulation

Consider a nonlinear, bounded, observable system with continuous process dynamics and discrete measurement as


The process and measurement noise are assumed to be zero mean, band-limited, uncorrelated, white multivariate Gaussian processes given by

  • $Q$: continuous process noise covariance matrix
  • $R$: discrete measurement noise covariance matrix


  • $P$: state error covariance matrix

EKF Transition to Update Stage:


measurement process

kalman gain

where (w.r.t true-state)



consider the following simplified nonlinear process model:

Applying a small perturbation δx (t) around x (t) yields


linear time varying system with δx as the state vector as

the error-state process model is linear !!!


where $\tilde{\mathbf{w}}$ is the discretized process noise and $\Phi_{k-1}$ is the state transition matrix.

the error state covariance matrix is propagated using

where $Q_{k-1}$ is the discrete time equivalent process noise covariance matrix and is given by

where, $\Phi(t, 0)=e^{F(t) t}$ is the continuous time state transition matrix and $Q$ is the continuous time process noise covariance matrix.


The measurement model is assumed to be in direct discrete time

kalman gain

where (w.r.t error-state)


true-state estimate


Kalman Filter Diagrams


  • [1] Extended Kalman Filter vs. Error State Kalman Filter for Aircraft Attitude Estimation

  • [2] Quaternion kinematics for the error-state Kalman filter

EKF v.s. ESKF or Direct v.s. Indirect KF
Gavin Gao
Posted on
December 30, 2020
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