EKF v.s. ESKF or Direct v.s. Indirect KF
Last updated on November 26, 2023 pm
- EKF: Extended Kalman Filter —> Direct Kalman Filter
- ESKF: Error State Kalman Filter —> Indirect Kalman Filter
Estimator State Types:
- True State
- Nominal State
- Error State
ESKF Advantages:
The orientation error-state is minimal (i.e., it has the same number of parameters as degrees of freedom), avoiding issues related to over-parametrization (or redundancy) and the consequent risk of singularity of the involved covariances matrices, resulting typically from enforcing constraints.
The error-state system is always operating close to the origin, and therefore far from possible parameter singularities, gimbal lock issues, or the like, providing a guarantee that the linearization validity holds at all times.
The error-state is always small, meaning that all second-order products are negligible. This makes the computation of Jacobians very easy and fast. Some Jacobians may even be constant or equal to available state magnitudes.
The error dynamics are slow because all the large-signal dynamics have been integrated in the nominal-state. This means that we can apply KF corrections (which are the only means to observe the errors) at a lower rate than the predictions.
Generic Problem Formulation
Consider a nonlinear, bounded, observable system with continuous process dynamics and discrete measurement as
The process and measurement noise are assumed to be zero mean, band-limited, uncorrelated, white multivariate Gaussian processes given by
- $Q$: continuous process noise covariance matrix
- $R$: discrete measurement noise covariance matrix
- $P$: state error covariance matrix
EKF Transition to Update Stage:
measurement process
kalman gain
where (w.r.t true-state)
consider the following simplified nonlinear process model:
Applying a small perturbation δx (t) around x (t) yields
linear time varying system with δx as the state vector as
the error-state process model is linear !!!
where $\tilde{\mathbf{w}}$ is the discretized process noise and $\Phi_{k-1}$ is the state transition matrix.
the error state covariance matrix is propagated using
where $Q_{k-1}$ is the discrete time equivalent process noise covariance matrix and is given by
where, $\Phi(t, 0)=e^{F(t) t}$ is the continuous time state transition matrix and $Q$ is the continuous time process noise covariance matrix.
The measurement model is assumed to be in direct discrete time
kalman gain
where (w.r.t error-state)
true-state estimate
Kalman Filter Diagrams
[1] Extended Kalman Filter vs. Error State Kalman Filter for Aircraft Attitude Estimation
[2] Quaternion kinematics for the error-state Kalman filter