Mesh Texturing in a Nutshell (Let There Be Color)
Last updated on November 26, 2023 pm
- code (forked):
- paper: Let There Be Color! Large-Scale Texturing of 3D Reconstructions
- video:
1. Texture Views
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2. Mesh —> MeshInfo
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Check Mesh
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- Ensure face and vertex normals
Init MeshInfo
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Create VertexInfo
Add faces to their three vertices
Update VertexInfo
Classify each vertex and compute adjacenty info
- Build new, temporary adjacent faces representation
AdjacentFaceList adj_temp
for ordering
Sort adjacent faces by chaining them
AdjacentFaceList adj_sorted;
3. Mesh + MeshInfo —> Adjacency Graph (UniGraph
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对于每个 face,将mesh中与其每条 edge 邻接的 face 存入 adj_faces
;将当前 face 与 adj_faces
中每个 face 建立 edge,构建 UniGraph
4. View Selection —> Best View Label 😄
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Calculate DataCosts
Calculates the data costs for each face and texture view combination, if the face is visible within the texture view.
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Calculate FaceProjectionInfo
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PostProcess Face Infos
create hist_qualities::Histogram
using info.quality
, and get the upper_bound
when percentile=0.995
compute data cost
- gmi
- area
1 |
DataCost | face0 | face1 | … | faceN |
view0 | ||||
view1 | ||||
… | ||||
viewN |
View Selection
Data Association
Graph mapmap::Graph<cost_t>
LabelSet mapmap::LabelSet<cost_t, simd_w>
view id | face0 | face1 | … | faceN |
view0 | ||||
view1 | ||||
… | ||||
viewN |
1 |
face_id | label_set | costs | |
unary0 | |||
unary1 | |||
… | |||
unaryN |
1 |
1 |
The aim is to find a labeling for X that produces the lowest energy.
pairwise MRFs
- the filled-in circles: the observed nodes $Y_i$ (face)
- the empty circles: the “hidden” nodes $X_i$ (view label)
MAP —> Minimum Energy
energy/cost function:
Tree MRFs via DP
by OpenMVS
5. Create Texture Atlases 😄
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Generate Texture Patches
Generates texture patches using the graph to determine adjacent faces with the same label.
Global / Local Seam Levelling 🚩
- paper: Seamless Mosaicing of Image-Based Texture Maps
without seam levelling
Texture Atlases
generate TextureAtlas
from all of TexturePatch
6. Mesh + Texture —> Obj Model
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- .obj
- .mtl
- .png
上述纹理重建属于 计算机视觉 的内容,本节是其逆过程,属于 计算机图形学 的内容。