Sensor Calibration Overview
Last updated on November 26, 2023 pm
- mikeferguson/robot_calibration: Generic calibration for robots
- pangfumin/odom_extrinsic_calibrate: Odom intrinsic and odom-sensors extrinsic calibration on SE2 using batch optimization
Hand-Eye Calibration
- 机器人手眼标定Ax=xB(eye to hand和eye in hand)及平面九点法标定
- Hand-Eye Calibration(TUM)
- ethz-asl/hand_eye_calibration:
Python tools to perform hand-eye calibration - jhu-lcsr/handeye_calib_camodocal(ROS + CamOdoCal Hand Eye Calibration): Easy to use and accurate hand eye calibration which has been working reliably for years (2016-present) with kinect, kinectv2, rgbd cameras, optical trackers, and several robots including the ur5 and kuka iiwa.
- IFL-CAMP/easy_handeye: Simple, straighforward ROS library for hand-eye calibration
- MegviiRobot/OdomLaserCalibraTool: Extrinsic Calibration of a Odom and 2d Laser
IMU-Cam Calibration
Kalibr is a toolbox that solves the following calibration problems:
- Multiple camera calibration
- Camera-IMU calibration
- Rolling Shutter Camera calibration
My Blog: Kalibr 之 Camera-IMU 标定 (总结)
TUM Related:
InerVis Toolbox for Matlab
IMU CAM calibration, Inertial Measurement Unit and Camera Calibration Toolbox
Lidar-Cam Calibration
Camera and Range Sensor Calibration Toolbox:
The velo2cam_calibration software implements an Automatic Calibration algorithm for Lidar-Stereo camera setups
MegviiRobot/CamLaserCalibraTool: Extrinsic Calibration of a Camera and 2d Laser
ankitdhall/lidar_camera_calibration: The package is used to calibrate a Velodyne LiDAR with a camera (works for both monocular and stereo)
Time Synchronization
- chrony: is a versatile implementation of the Network Time Protocol (NTP). It can synchronise the system clock with NTP servers, reference clocks (e.g. GPS receiver), and manual input using wristwatch and keyboard. It can also operate as an NTPv4 (RFC 5905) server and peer to provide a time service to other computers in the network.
- ROS Clock
2rosparam set use_sim_time true # (or set in launch file if you use one)
rosbag play <your bag> --clock - TICSync is an extremely efficient algorithm for learning the mapping between distributed clocks, which typically achieves better than millisecond accuracy within just a few seconds.
- ethz-asl/cuckoo_time_translator
- leggedrobotics/hardware_time_sync: Guidelines on how to hardware synchronize the time of multiple sensors, e.g., IMU, cameras, etc.