Last updated on November 26, 2023 pm
安装aruco marker dection,用来标定渐晕
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| cd mono_dataset_code/thirdparty tar -zxvf aruco-1.3.0.tar.gz cd aruco-1.3.0/ mkdir build cd build cmake .. make sudo make install
| ./bin/playDataset ~/projects/dataset/tum/sequence_01/
optionally, the calibration is used for
- rectification ( r )
- response function inversion ( g )
- vignette removal ( v )
- removal of over-exposed (white) images. ( o ).
Pressing the respective key toggles the option.
responseCalib: calibrate response function
dataset: narrow_sweep3 (同一场景,曝光时间变化)
| ./bin/responseCalib ~/projects/dataset/tum/calib_narrow_sweep3/
output (photoCalibResult):
标定结果存储于 mono_dataset_code/bin/photoCalibResult/ 中
- E-0.png存储初始的辐照度,初值值设置为所有图片对应像素的平均值
- E-%d.png 每次优化过后场景辐照度的值
- E-%d16.png 归一化到255*255上的图片
- G-%d.png 每次迭代后的响应曲线
- pcalib.txt 响应曲线U
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| Load Dataset /home/cg/projects/dataset/tum/calib_narrow_sweep3/: found no in folder /images; assuming that images are zipped. got 1134 entries and 1134 files from zipfile! Input resolution: 1280 1024 Input Calibration (fx fy cx cy): 685.720764 685.636475 631.358154 512.418457 0.897966 Out: Crop Output resolution: 640 480 new K: 277.523987 291.680328 312.474304 240.035583 old K: 685.720764 685.636475 630.858154 511.918457 Reading Photometric Calibration from file /home/cg/projects/dataset/tum/calib_narrow_sweep3/pcalib.txt PhotometricUndistorter: Could not open file! Dataset /home/cg/projects/dataset/tum/calib_narrow_sweep3/: Got 1134 files! loaded 1134 images init RMSE = 202.516842! Irradiance 0.094356 - 255.000000 optG RMSE = 64.865443! Inv. Response 2.361527 - 612.030157 OptE RMSE = 9.717671! Irradiance 0.231759 - 7458.561565 resc RMSE = 4.048830! rescale with 0.416646!
optG RMSE = 2.372160! Inv. Response 0.732493 - 286.883998 OptE RMSE = 2.098267! Irradiance 0.073330 - 3107.388651 resc RMSE = 1.865068! rescale with 0.888861! optG RMSE = 1.834344! Inv. Response 0.638839 - 257.705476 OptE RMSE = 1.830208! Irradiance 0.064087 - 2760.662528 resc RMSE = 1.810994! rescale with 0.989502! optG RMSE = 1.809984! Inv. Response 0.630362 - 255.116903 OptE RMSE = 1.809334! Irradiance 0.063252 - 2729.932064 resc RMSE = 1.808505! rescale with 0.999542! optG RMSE = 1.807896! Inv. Response 0.629496 - 254.860585 OptE RMSE = 1.807293! Irradiance 0.063167 - 2726.871591 resc RMSE = 1.808282! rescale with 1.000547! optG RMSE = 1.807679! Inv. Response 0.629402 - 254.833424 OptE RMSE = 1.807077! Irradiance 0.063158 - 2726.545993 resc RMSE = 1.808258! rescale with 1.000654! optG RMSE = 1.807655! Inv. Response 0.629391 - 254.830437 OptE RMSE = 1.807053! Irradiance 0.063157 - 2726.510104 resc RMSE = 1.808255! rescale with 1.000665! optG RMSE = 1.807653! Inv. Response 0.629390 - 254.830103 OptE RMSE = 1.807050! Irradiance 0.063156 - 2726.506082 resc RMSE = 1.808255! rescale with 1.000667! optG RMSE = 1.807652! Inv. Response 0.629390 - 254.830065 OptE RMSE = 1.807050! Irradiance 0.063156 - 2726.505628 resc RMSE = 1.808255! rescale with 1.000667! optG RMSE = 1.807652! Inv. Response 0.629390 - 254.830061 OptE RMSE = 1.807050! Irradiance 0.063156 - 2726.505576 resc RMSE = 1.808255! rescale with 1.000667!
vignetteCalib: calibrate vignette
Performs photometric calibration from a set of images, showing a flat surface with an ARMarker
dataset: narrow_vignette (不同场景,曝光时间不变)
- times.txt (id, timestamp, exposure time)
- camera.txt (Calibration file)
- pcalib.txt (Photometric Calibration) (optional)
| ./vignetteCalib X/CalibrationDatasets/narrow_vignette/"
output (vignetteCalibResult)
- vignette.png (16-bit png) containing the calibrated vignette function
- vignetteSmoothed.png is a slightly smoothed version, mainly to remove the black borders (pixels at the border are never observed)
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| Load Dataset /home/cg/projects/dataset/tum/calib_narrow_vignette/: found no in folder /images; assuming that images are zipped. got 603 entries and 603 files from zipfile! Input resolution: 1280 1024 Input Calibration (fx fy cx cy): 685.720764 685.636475 631.358154 512.418457 0.897966 Out: Crop Output resolution: 640 480 new K: 277.523987 291.680328 312.474304 240.035583 old K: 685.720764 685.636475 630.858154 511.918457 Reading Photometric Calibration from file /home/cg/projects/dataset/tum/calib_narrow_vignette/pcalib.txt Reading Vignette Image from /home/cg/projects/dataset/tum/calib_narrow_vignette/vignette.png PhotometricUndistorter: Invalid vignette image size! got 0 x 0, expected 1280 x 1024. Set vignette to 1. Dataset /home/cg/projects/dataset/tum/calib_narrow_vignette/: Got 603 files! SEQUENCE NAME: /home/cg/projects/dataset/tum/calib_narrow_vignette/! plane image values 13.502855 - 253.491135! 334534966.000000 residual terms => 5126.586426 248922688.000000 residual terms => 14.131591 plane image values 14.390357 - 276.360291! 248922688.000000 residual terms => 20.186613 334823446.000000 residual terms => 6.567778 plane image values 14.477414 - 283.975037! 334823446.000000 residual terms => 8.231921 334823446.000000 residual terms => 3.842967 plane image values 14.585913 - 289.569702! 334823446.000000 residual terms => 5.230762 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.797016 plane image values 14.648720 - 292.665253! 334823446.000000 residual terms => 3.405436 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.461457 plane image values 14.685353 - 294.357880! 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.676736 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.367437 plane image values 14.711020 - 295.366974! 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.445577 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.342488 plane image values 14.724164 - 295.883911! 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.363412 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.335967 plane image values 14.730860 - 296.147430! 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.341449 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.334269 plane image values 14.734280 - 296.282471! 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.335698 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.333826 plane image values 14.736023 - 294.839050! 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.269461 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.266629 plane image values 14.732889 - 293.670929! 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.266446 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.265800 plane image values 14.733760 - 292.678101! 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.265857 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.265482 plane image values 14.734113 - 291.896484! 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.265492 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.265260 plane image values 14.734237 - 291.834442! 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.265262 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.265134 plane image values 14.734333 - 291.837555! 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.265134 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.265070 plane image values 14.734364 - 291.839386! 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.265070 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.265027 plane image values 14.734390 - 291.839935! 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.265027 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.264997 plane image values 14.734390 - 291.840637! 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.264997 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.264974 plane image values 14.734395 - 291.841003! 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.264974 334823446.000000 residual terms => 2.264956