Cameras Overview
Last updated on November 26, 2023 pm
0. Basic Knowledge
- 相机的那些事儿 - 概念、模型及标定
- Norman Koren photography: images and tutorials
- 摄影知识普及:如何用好滤光镜,想进一步玩好摄影必看!
- 如何理解 ISO、快门、光圈、曝光这几个概念?
- Introduction to Shutter Speed in Photography
- camera资料链接整理
- Sensor Shutter Modes
- ISO 12233 Test Chart
- Setting Up an Optical Testing Station
- dxomark: source for image quality benchmarks for phones and cameras
- 24色测试卡
1. Lenses
- Lensation provides free of charge consulting about lenses, illumination and optical components
- 1stVision
- Digital Network Vision
- 摄像机镜头详细知识
- Fisheye Lens: Its not unusual for a fisheye lens to have a FOV of 185 degrees.
2. Camera Sensors
3. Digital Camera
- gPhoto is a free, redistributable, ready to use set of digital camera software applications for Unix-like systems
- digiCamControl: An innovative and easy to use solution for complex camera control!
- DSLR Controller was the first and is still the best app to fully control your Canon EOS DSLR from your Android device, with nothing more than a USB cable.
- Generic PTP control of digital cameras
4. Camera Modules
MatrixVision mvBlueFox
- USB 2.0 board-level camera - mvBlueFOX-MLC
- KumarRobotics/bluefox2: ROS driver for the Matrix Vision mvBlueFOX cameras
iDS uEye
- IDS Imaging Development Systems
- ueye: Driver for IDS Imaging uEye cameras
Open Source Programmable Embedded Color Vision Sensors, The first CMUcam made its splash in 1999 as a CREATE Lab project.
Pixy is the fifth version of the CMUcam, or CMUcam5, but “Pixy” is easier to say than CMUcam5, so the name more or less stuck. Pixy got its start in 2013 as part of a successful Kickstarter campaign, and as a partnership between Charmed Labs and CMU.
Pixy2 was announced recently as Pixy’s smaller, faster, and smarter younger sibling.
The OpenMV(Open-Source Machine Vision) project aims at making machine vision more accessible to beginners by developing a user-friendly, open-source, low-cost machine vision platform.
OpenMV cameras are programmable in Python3 and come with an extensive set of image processing functions such as face detection, keypoints descriptors, color tracking, QR and Bar codes decoding, AprilTags, GIF and MJPEG recording and more.
Vision Subsystem - Camera for NXT or EV3 (NXTCam-v4)
JeVois Smart Machine Vision Camera
Open-source quad-core camera effortlessly adds powerful machine vision to all your PC, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi projects.
5. 3D (Depth) Cameras
Structure Light Camera
- Kinect for windows微软中国体感官方网站
- OpenKinect is an open community of people interested in making use of the amazing Xbox Kinect hardware with our PCs and other devices.
- Kinect V1 and Kinect V2 fields of view compared
- Ubuntu + Kinect + OpenNI + PrimeSense
- 【翻译】Kinect v1和Kinect v2的彻底比较
- code-iai/iai_kinect2: Tools for using the Kinect One (Kinect v2) in ROS
Orbbec Astra Camera
ASUS Xtion 2
Stereo Camera
Realsense Camera
- realsense_camera (ROS Wiki)
- Intel® RealSense™ Camera ZR300
- ethz-asl/maplab_realsense: Simple ROS wrapper for the Intel RealSense driver with a focus on the ZR300