RTAB-Map 学习笔记
Last updated on November 26, 2023 pm
version: 0.11.13-kinetic
RTAB-Map (Real-Time Appearance-Based Mapping) is a RGB-D, Stereo and Lidar Graph-Based SLAM approach based on an incremental appearance-based loop closure detector.
RTAB-Map (Real-Time Appearance-Based Mapping) is a RGB-D Graph-Based SLAM approach based on an incremental appearance-based loop closure detector.
The loop closure detector uses a bag-of-words approach to determinate how likely a new image comes from a previous location or a new location. When a loop closure hypothesis is accepted, a new constraint is added to the map’s graph, then a graph optimizer minimizes the errors in the map.
A memory management approach is used to limit the number of locations used for loop closure detection and graph optimization, so that real-time constraints on large-scale environnements are always respected.
RTAB-Map can be used alone with a handheld Kinect or stereo camera for 6DoF RGB-D mapping, or on a robot equipped with a laser rangefinder for 3DoF mapping.
- Stereo Camera: Bumblebee2, ZED camera, etc.
- RGB-D Camera: Kinect, RealSense, etc.
Add Key-Frame to Graph
Loop Closure Detection
Graph Optimization
Map(2D/3D) Generation
Demo Robot Mapping
- Command
1 |
- Node Graph
- 流程图
- 流程图
Code Analization
- Transform::interpolate